Finding Me

a little sister of my elder sister. an older sister of my lovely younger sister. a daughter of my gorgeous parents. a sweet lover of my BF *wink*

For a long 21 years I've been living in this world, I would really like some kind of stuffs, such as :
- Tofu ! (adeknya tempe)
- Movies
- Music
- TV-Series (hell yeah, I am sinetron-addict *tapi yang import :p*)
- Internet
- Technology
- Barcelona
- Nggembong
- Another lot stuffs. *capek nulisnya, muahahaha :D*

Semoga saya masih diberi kesempatan buat ngehidupin blog ini.
Welcome to my "uneg-uneg" place. really thankful to all of you who read my blog. Salam Super(man) :D

A life without a risk is a life unlived :)